Cubberley PTA Meetings
Held Digitally
Second Tuesday of September, November, March, and May
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
All current PTA members are encouraged to attend!
If you have meeting agenda items you would like to have heard by the association, please email them the Cubberley PTA using the below button.

Click here
Association Meeting Requirements:
Association Meeting Agenda Items – Submitted at least fourteen (14) days notice, in writing, must be given to the president in order to have an item of business or an announcement placed on the association meeting agenda. (This allows the president time to prepare the agenda and provide written notice to the members at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting).
Association Meeting Business Items – When a recommendation for an item of business or an announcement that has not had prior consideration by the executive board is brought to an association meeting, it shall be referred to a committee and/or the executive board for study.
Approving Material for Association Meetings – Any non-PTA material to be distributed at an association meeting must be approved by the executive board prior to the meeting.
This Association shall establish a quorum for the transaction of business in any meeting of this Association of ( 11 ) member(s) shall constitute a quorum.
The privilege of making motions, debating, and voting shall be limited to members of the association who are present and whose dues are paid and who have been members of the Association for at least the previous thirty (30) days.​